Executive 2024
President - Glenn Noy
Email: president.kedronafc@gmail.com
Vice President & Registrar - Erryn O'Brien
Email: registrar@kedronlionsjuniors.com.au
Secretary - Alison Blyth
Email: secretary@kedronlionsjuniors.com.au
Treasurer - TBA
Email: treasurer.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
General Committee
Youth Coordinator - Heath Dutschke
Email: youthcoordinator.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
Junior Coordinator - Liam Godfrey & Rob Cray
Email: juniorcoordinator.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
Auskick Coordinator - Lachlan Gray
Email: auskick.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
Superstars Coordinator - Lachlan Gray
Female Coordinator: Liesl Winn
Email: femalecoordinator.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
Sponsorship Coordinator - TBA
Canteen Coordinator - Ju Johnson
First Aid Coordinator - Louise Birrell
Umpire Coordinator - Louise Birrell
Email: umpires.kedronjuniors@outlook.com
Uniform and Merchandise - Michael Winn
Events and Fundraising - TBA
General Committee Members - Fin Blyth, Kristyn Herrmann, Meagan Blake
Position Descriptions
Are you keen to be more involved with your footy club? Did you know our footy club is run almost entirely by volunteers? We have a range of Committee Roles that need to be filled!
As we're sure you can appreciate, running a football club takes a lot of work and the more help we get, the easier it will be! We can guarantee you'll meet some fantastic people, have a whole lot of fun and enjoy the sense of contributing to your community.
Click on the button below for a full list of our Position Descriptions to learn more about each role.